Icons made by Freepik @flatIcon

What is your offering?

I have maintained, developed and shipped multiple projects from beginning to end, carrying the development of its' back-end and front-end codebases.

My current toolset includes Angular, NodeJS and all the other various frameworks, libraries and technologies related to them. I'm also learning .NET Core. This site is a JAM stack using Gatsby, GraphQL and React. I value engineering ability over the tools you know right now, new tools come and go but engineers who value good principles will always be good engineers regardless.

I can help you with all the sides of your project:

  • verifying good UI/UX design,
  • setting up the CI/CD pipelines,
  • mentoring the team,
  • researching possible techs
  • and monitoring the project.
Icons made by Freepik @flatIcon

List some of your Northstar principles?

People first. I'm a lead from the front kind of manager. I will earn your respect by being in the trenches with you and being open and honest about where we are, and where we need to get to and why. I've always made it a point too keep my teams well informed, and make it my mission to help them channel their talents to establish a cadence of predictable, on-time delivery with high-quality work. A well-informed team that feels like it has ownership, a clear path and autonomy will always perform.

Just enough design upfront. It's always about balance. When I’m working in a team, experience has shown me that if a team just jumps in both feet then you end up with a winding road, you get there eventually, but it wasn't an efficient strategy. Instead, i prefer to embrace the principles of DDD (Domain drive design), bringing together the stakeholders, designers and developers and ensure we all speak the same language and have a common way of describing the domain we're building software in.

Well tested code. This doesn't mean I always demand TDD from my team. I will expect that we test the right things, in the right ways to provide decent coverage for the codebase. Testing for me is both documentation of the intent of the developer who wrote the code and it's a safety net to breaking changes. My advice to any team is to try and not test implementation, test the behaviour. Testing that is focused on implementation will lock you in and not allow you to safely refactor. If you find a bug, write a test to replicate it, fix it and deploy. I ask for very few end to end tests, they're best done in my experience as smoke tests for critical-path operations of the app e.g. sign in, purchase etc. I don't believe in long end-to-end test runs. Anyone who tried to do this will know what I’m talking about, those who don't should give it a go, pain is a great a teacher.

Continuous deployment, fast feedback. I'm a serial automator. I've had to implement a number of pipelines over the last 15 years. The best ones are those which foster small development cycles, with a trunk-based development approach that you release as often as is safe to do so. I implement as much automation as i can to let the bots do the bots work, so tools like Sonarcloud are a must. While some might preach a direct to trunk and deploy strategy i don't think a team consensus on code quality is something to overlook for many reasons but mostly because we'll write it once and ready it many times from then on, making sure code is easy to read and understand pays back by many factors in its lifetime.

Useful ticket, appropriate documentation. Everyone has opinions on how you should use ticket and knowledge systems like JIRA and Confluence. I've done it well and I’ve done it badly. I will probably write a blog posts on both. Some key points i'll share for free:

  • Clearly separate your backlog from your vision pieces, vision is good for knowing where you're going to get to eventually but the work in progress should be clear, well defined and have a definition of done.
  • Tickets are a commitment by the team, if its not going to be done, don't put it in the ticket.
  • Don't fill your backlogs with vision tickets, keep that stuff in a knowledge base. When you're working with the product team to identify the next most valuable thing to do you will know where you are, where the vision wants you to get and then how much you [the team] are going to commit to moving it towards the goal. The tickets will then only contain the iteration.
Icons made by Freepik @flatIcon

Do you design?

I'm more of a systems thinker, i design software and prefer process and good UX conversations. While i did this site i wouldn't consider my artistic design skills as good as some of the wizards I’ve worked with though i'm perfectly capable of converting anyone's designs into CSS/SCSS. I believe in putting the right people in the right seats to get the best job done. I am not the right person to design your website, but i am the right person to break down complicated processes into simpler quantifiable deliveries and then help a team execute.
